We are delighted to announce that NCDT are inviting applications for a share of our £100,000 Community Fund. NCDT are set to welcome applications from both constituted and unconstituted groups within the parish of New Cumnock.
Applications, along with guidance notes can be found here on our website. Applications should refer to NCDT’s values and outcomes which you will find detailed within our Strategic Plan listed on the home page of our website.
Should you have any queries regarding your application, both Laura Pagan and Tammy Borthwick from the NCDT staff team are more than happy to help with groups looking for support to apply. Please contact us on 01290 338887 or general.ncdt@outlook.com. Completed forms should be emailed to general.ncdt@outlook.com Alternatively, you can submit your application at NCDT office – 21 Castle, New Cumnock.
The first round of applications will be considered by the Board of Trustees the week commencing 27/06/22 further dates will be announced in due course until the fund is expended. Should funds remain following these dates, further dates for consideration will be added.